1. What is your role, and how does it contribute to the overall mission at Examinetics? 

As the Manager of Medical Services, I’m responsible for overseeing the medical review process to ensure that all medical clearances are made in accordance with applicable medical standards in the required timeframe. The medical clearance process is of critical importance as it is the end-product of many of our services. The clearances must be completed accurately and timely, as we - the medical team - are typically the last group to “touch” the data. I have a fantastic team to work with, so they make my job a pleasure!

I also consult with our clients on various medical issues related to their workplace and help them to ensure they are maintaining compliance with OSHA, DOT, FRA and other regulatory standards. This may include helping them to identify hazards within their workplace and which regulatory standards apply to them.  I am responsible for the regular review of our medical protocols and processes to ensure that they align with the most current data available, from both regulatory and medical perspectives. In addition to working closely with our internal medical director, I also work with our client’s medical directors.

In my role, I basically touch every aspect of our business in some way. Whether it’s with sales and client engagement teams, operations or HR, I collaborate on all levels. I’ve even done some presentations, as a representative of Examinetics, to community employers and at health and safety conferences.

 2. How have your past roles prepared you for your current position?

I have worked in the Occupational Health & Safety Industry for 25 years. I’ve worked in a variety of industries, including food manufacturing, long-term care, electric utilities and health information technology. Having managed the health and safety needs of various companies, I understand and can relate to the struggles our clients face when trying to stay in compliance with the various regulatory agencies that govern them. Also, I’ve even been an Examinetics client in the past! Having a partner you can trust is highly valuable.

3. What projects are you currently working on?  

Since I am new to the team, I’m looking at all our medical protocols and making any needed revisions. I want to make sure we are using the latest information available and implementing the best practices across the board.   I’m also working with a team who is refining our online Respirator Questionnaire process to enhance automation and efficiency. That is an exciting project that will really benefit our clients by providing them with a more automated option to minimize the amount of follow up needed and the amount of time it takes to complete the process. Our online tool also provides an added level of confidence in privacy for the participant since it is submitted directly to us.

Internally, I’ve put together a team to take a look at our current operations orders and revise them to be more user-friendly, more efficient and less redundant. I believe this will be a process improvement for the entire operation and a welcomed refresh.  By looking at some of our internal processes, we can make the end product, our client services, more efficient and cutting edge.

4. How would describe the future of occupational health and safety?  

The sky is the limit! Occupational Health & Safety is so critical to any company large or small. Advancement in technology and education has been paramount over the last 20 years, and I don’t see it slowing down any time soon. OSHA compliance, and other regulatory agency compliance, have moved to the forefront of every successful company. More importantly, workers are the backbone of our economy, and those of us in this industry have critically important jobs to do to keep workers safe.

The technological advances are just amazing. Did you know that they are currently working on an exoskeleton that, when worn by workers, can exponentially reduce the force put on the body when performing heavy physical tasks? It’s amazing, and I know there are lots of other amazing developments in the works. So, I’d say, the future of OH&S is solid.

5. Considering your role and different experiences in your work, what personal safety/health advice, tips or tricks would you give that may be relevant for clients?  

Never take shortcuts and never take chances. Ben Franklin’s famous words from 1736 remain true today; “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Truly, it is easy to skate along for a time without serious incidents.  But once something bad happens, you can’t turn back the clock and erase time. I often tell employers that they need to determine if their employees are really working safely, or just working lucky. Luck eventually runs out.  Every second and every cent dedicated to the safety and health of employees is time and money well spent.

Unfortunately, I have held the sobbing spouses of catastrophically injured employees as well as those of workers who have lost their lives. I have looked into the eyes of long since retired employees who are being diagnosed with asbestosis, mesothelioma or silicosis, years after they left the job. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - that could ever make accepting serious risk at work okay. Employers must do everything within their power to ensure the safety and health of all workers. Not just because regulators say so. But because it’s the right thing to do.


This is business-to-business information intended for EHS (environmental health and safety) professionals and not intended for the final consumer. Companies should check the local regulatory status of any claim according to their individual needs, requirements and intended use.